Supported Birth Doula Services
Supported Birth offers sliding scale Doula services, based on the doula’s experience and specialized skills (massage, acupuncture, acupressure, hypnobirth, VBAC, etc). A list of currently active doulas is given out in class, along with resources for doulas from other organizations.
Prices range from $250 – $3500.
A professional labor support companion (“doula”) is a woman who remains with you and your partner during labor and birth, and is trained to provide continuous emotional and physical support during active labor as needed: massage, birthing positions, natural ways of helping labor progress, a calm and reassuring presence, advocacy for your wishes in the hospital setting, help with decisions, initial breast feeding guidance, and more. She does not have an “agenda” for your birth. She is there to accompany you on your journey, assisting in the unforeseeable ways that will best empower YOU as an individual and as a couple. She is not a replacement for your partner, rather she is an experienced, reassuring presence for both of you.
A postpartum doula is a woman specializing in helping new moms after birth at home. She has knowledge in baby care, breastfeeding, mom’s psychological changes, etc. A list of postpartum doulas is given out in class or available upon request.

Supported Birth Doula Training
Are you passionate about supporting women and their partners through a positive birth experience? Would you like to assist them in finding their own strength and in beginning parenthood with joy and confidence? Become a Supported Birth Labor Doula!
Part One
Attend the six-week Complete Course with pregnant couples ($400)
Part Two
Complete an approximately 20-hour Doula Training workshop ($900), which includes:
- Advanced review of physiology and stages of labor
- Advanced study of medical interventions
- Advanced study of complications in labor
- Issues of REAL WOMEN: personality traits, fears, husbands, partners
- Factors that influence labor
- Yourself as a doula
- Women's birth experiences; doulas' experiences
- Advocacy vs. empowerment; rethinking "labor support"
- Being open to the unpredictable
- Pain-coping techniques and tools
- Prolonged labor, posterior presentation
- Alternative, noninvasive measures for inducing & stimulating labor
- Hospital environments
- Postpartum issues
- Breastfeeding
- Practical issues for the doula: contracts, fees, backup, marketing

Doula trainees have the opportunity to be matched with couples from Supported Birth classes on a sliding scale basis, and are able to gain initial labor support experience from these referrals, under the supervision and mentoring of the Supported Birth Director. Your fees increase as you gain experiences. Currently, full price doulas are charging between $900-$3, 5000 per birth.
Many Supported Birth Doulas already were or have been inspired to become:
- Midwives
- RNs (Labor & Delivery)
- Massage Therapists
- Lactation Consultants/Educators
- Childbirth Educators
- Postpartum Doulas
- Chinese/Naturopathic Medicine (acupuncture, acupressure, herbology)
- Chiropractic/cranial sacral
- Infant Massage
- Prenatal/Postpartum Fitness / Yoga
- EMT (Emergency Medical Technician)
- Writers on Birth
- Filmmakers on Birth and Postpartum